Samantha Bradbrook Samantha Bradbrook

Navigating the Stress of Christmas: Finding Calm amidst the Chaos with the Breath

As the holiday season approaches, the anticipation of Christmas fills the air with joy and festivity. However, for many, this time of year also brings with it a unique set of stressors that can turn the most wonderful time of the year into a challenging and overwhelming experience.

In this blog I share two effective breathing practices to help you find calm amidst the chaos of the Christmas holiday period.

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Samantha Bradbrook Samantha Bradbrook

Good Stress vs Bad Stress. Do you know the difference?

There is a critical distinction between "good" stress, known as eustress, and "bad" stress, or distress.

Understanding the difference between the two is not only fascinating from a psychological perspective but also profoundly impacts our health and well-being.

In this month’s blog, we will explore both eustress and distress, how they affect our physical and mental health, and practical strategies for managing stress effectively.

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Samantha Bradbrook Samantha Bradbrook

Investing in Your Health: Start Now for a Better Future

Have you ever said to yourself, “I’ll start my healthy eating on Monday?” Or “I’ll go to the gym tomorrow?” Or “I’ll join the studio when I’m fitter?”

Sound familiar? We can certainly get good at convincing ourselves that starting now isn’t a good idea.

However, there is no time like now to invest in your health.

In this month’s blog, I’ll share why investing in your health is so important.

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Samantha Bradbrook Samantha Bradbrook

Move It or Lose It

The phrase "move it or lose it" refers to the importance of physical activity in maintaining mobility and preventing physical decline as we age.

It is a well-known saying that highlights the fact that inactivity can lead to loss of muscle strength, mobility, and flexibility, among other physical impairments.

In this blog, I’ll discuss some of the changes that occur and how to combat these as you get older.

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