Samantha Bradbrook Samantha Bradbrook

Getting Started with Pilates or Yoga after an Extended Break

When you are returning to Pilates or Yoga after an extended break it can be daunting taking that first step back into a class. In this month’s blog, I offer some advice on how to get started without getting overwhelmed or discouraged.

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Samantha Bradbrook Samantha Bradbrook

Setting Realistic and Sustainable Goals

It's finally 2023! And as January rolls in so do New Year resolutions and big plans for the coming year.

In this month’s blog I talk about how to set realistic and sustainable goals for the year ahead and beyond.

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Samantha Bradbrook Samantha Bradbrook

Yoga And Pain - How Yoga Can Help Ease Your Pain

Numerous studies have shown the association between yoga and reduction in lower back pain in addition to chronic pain associated with a number of health conditions.

In this blog, I talk about the different types of pain and how yoga may help with managing pain.

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Samantha Bradbrook Samantha Bradbrook

Life is all about Balance

Life is all about balance. Some days it comes easy, other days it is more of a challenge. This is true whether we are talking about holding a yoga pose, or about balancing our schedule, eating habits, activity, and rest time. Or even socializing vs time alone.

Where that point of balance is for each of us can change in any given moment.

In this blog I’ll go into more depth about what is balance, why does it matter and 3 key things that you can do right now to help with balance

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