Samantha Bradbrook Samantha Bradbrook

How Yoga Can Ease Arthritis

Many individuals turn to yoga as a means of finding relief and restoring a sense of ease and comfort to their lives.

In this blog, we'll look at how yoga, with its gentle movements and mindful approach, can be a powerful tool in managing arthritis and promoting overall well-being.

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Samantha Bradbrook Samantha Bradbrook

Burnout. What is it? And how yoga can help.

Burnout has become increasingly common in our modern day times.

It is usually associated with chronic workplace stress, but it can also affect people that are experiencing ongoing, long-term stress in their personal lives.

Defined as a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress, burnout can have detrimental effects on your health, relationships, and overall well-being.

However, the good news is, Yoga can help!

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Samantha Bradbrook Samantha Bradbrook

Running out of energy towards the end of the day? Why water might be a better option than coffee to recharge your batteries.

Do you often find yourself feeling tired for no apparent reason – especially around mid-afternoon? You might also begin finding it harder to concentrate on simple tasks. Or maybe you feel like you have lost the energy or motivation to get to your after-work Pilates or Yoga class?

In this month’s blog I talk about how your feelings of tiredness, poor concentration and drop in motivation may be signs you are dehydrated. I also talk about why it’s important to maintain your hydration levels throughout the day.

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Samantha Bradbrook Samantha Bradbrook

Flexibility vs. Mobility – What’s the Difference?

In the health and fitness world, terms like flexibility and mobility are often used interchangeably, which can sometimes cause confusion. However, these two terms are distinct, yet interconnected.

Understanding the difference between flexibility and mobility is necessary for achieving a well-rounded and functional body.

In this blog post, we will look at the difference between flexibility and mobility, exploring their significance, and how Pilates and Yoga can help.

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