Investing in Your Health: Start Now for a Better Future

Have you ever said to yourself, “I’ll start my healthy eating on Monday?”

or “I’ll go to the gym tomorrow?”

or “I’ll join the studio when I’m fitter?”

Sound familiar? We can certainly get good at convincing ourselves that starting now isn’t a good idea.

However, there is no time like now to invest in your health.

Consider the value you place on your well-being. You work hard to secure your financial future, support your loved ones, and create the lifestyle you desire. But do you dedicate the same energy and time to your own health?

The thing is, without good health, achieving your goals in all areas of life is much harder. Often, we neglect the importance of our well-being until illness strikes, forcing us to pause and re-evaluate our lives. Suddenly, we realize that our current lifestyle is unbalanced, requiring a course correction.

Good news is that you don’t have to wait to be sick to get started. You can start today!

Investing in your health is not only for yourself. It also creates a ripple effect for those around you. Including family, friends, and even your business. If you're constantly burned out, stressed, lacking energy and sick, it leaves you with little time for those around you or for the things that matter to you.

In this blog, we look at the benefits of being in good physical shape, the reasons why it’s important to invest in your health as well as some of the pillars to good health.

Benefits of being in good shape:

Firstly, let’s look at some of the benefits of being in good physical shape.

When you are in good physical shape:

  • Your stress levels decrease

  • Your self-esteem improves

  • Your nervous system is more regulated

  • You become less reactive in your relationships

  • Your mental health improves

  • Your energy levels increase

  • You simply feel better about yourself


Here's why investing in good health is one of the best investments you can make:

Prevention is key:

Guess what? A lot of the diseases we deal with these days aren't just determined by our genes. It's our lifestyle choices that have a big say in the matter. The food we eat and those not-so-great habits we indulge in can seriously mess with our future health. But don't worry! There's good news too.

By taking care of yourself now, you're actually taking a stand against those future diseases. We're talking about things like cardiovascular issues, insulin resistance, and even obesity. How? Well, it's all about maintaining a healthy diet and staying active. These are the superhero moves that can prevent those sneaky illnesses from knocking on your door.

But here's the secret ingredient: consistency. You got to stick with it. Make those healthy choices a part of your everyday life. Your future self will thank you for it.


Quality time with the people that matter most to you:

Taking care of yourself means enjoying the long-term benefits of good health. You'll have more quality time to spend with your loved ones. When you prioritize your family, make sure you're also providing them with the means to be healthy. Instead of mindlessly scrolling on your phone, sit together on comfortable sofas and engage in meaningful conversations. Being in good health allows you to be there for your partner, family, and pets, rather than being a burden when you're sick or unavailable. If you have children or grandchildren, then staying fit and healthy means that you can keep up with their energy levels and engage in more activities with them too. Therefore being able to create lifelong memories together.


It saves you money:

Let's face it, poor health can really hit you where it hurts - both physically and financially. It's a downer when you're feeling unproductive and stuck, unable to do the things you love. Plus, long-term medical treatments can drain your bank account faster than you can say "ouch!" The cost of healthcare, from medication to doctor's visits and surgeries, can really add up.

But here's the good news: by taking charge of your health and making some small changes to your lifestyle, you can lower the risk of dealing with all those pesky health issues.

Get more done:

When it comes to getting stuff done, good health is a game-changer. Bosses love having physically fit employees on their team. They're more likely to hire and keep them around. Why? Well, healthy people don't take as many sick days or need as many breaks. They're reliable and dependable, which makes them a valuable asset to any company.

But it's not just about being physically fit. Keeping up your well-being and having a positive mindset work wonders too. When you're in good health, you bounce back from illnesses faster and stay motivated to crush it at work. Resilience goes a long way. Plus, you lower the chances of facing long-term health problems down the road.

Happiness and fulfilment:

Picture this: you're stuck in bed or bound to a wheelchair because of a long-term illness, like a stroke. Or you’re extremely overweight and find it hard to get around. Aside from the physical restrictions, this can also have a huge toll on your mental health, happiness and fulfilment. Boredom, irritability and hopelessness become everyday occurrences. It puts you in a hard cycle to break. Not to mention the impact it has on your bigger life goals, career, traveling or doing other things that you love. Poor health impacts so many different areas of your life. You're left with constant complaints about the pain, both emotional and physical. Life becomes a never-ending cycle of suffering. That's not the way to truly enjoy your precious time on this planet.


That's why taking care of your health is so important. Don't wait until it's too late. Start making those positive changes now, so you can live your best life while you still can.

Where do I start?

Want to get started on investing in your health, but not quite sure where to start? The 4 pillars to health is a great place to start. Introduce small habits in these areas and build on them over time.

These 4 pillars are :

1) Move your body

Start with a realistic exercise plan and stick to it. Regular workouts strengthen your body and boost your mood. When your body is accustomed to being active, it becomes better at fighting off illness, disease, and infections. Exercise also helps you shed excess weight that can be harmful to your health. If you're new to working out, consider joining a Pilates studio or gym. It may be scary at first, but it can provide the motivation and resources you need.


2) Check your posture

Along with exercise, paying attention to your posture is crucial. Think about how you sit, walk, and hold yourself to avoid future problems. Activities like Yoga and Pilates, can strengthen your core and reduce the risk of back pain, joint aches, and muscle stiffness later in life.

3) Address your diet

Evaluating your diet is a great way to improve your lifestyle. Take control of what you eat and drink instead of consuming whatever you want. Create a meal plan for the week or use handy apps that remind you to drink water and provide calorie counts. Spend more time in the kitchen preparing meals from scratch to ensure you're getting the necessary nutrition. If you need extra support, reach out, I offer nutrition coaching and healthy meal plans.

4) Prioritise your sleep routine

Prioritize your sleep for optimal energy levels. Track your sleep so you have data to work with and can improve on. Look at enhancing your bedroom environment by updating the design, investing in a comfortable mattress and weighted blanket, eye mask and keeping technology out of your sleeping area. If you have trouble sleeping, consider using a white noise machine or noise-cancelling headphones. You could even listen to a meditation or sleep story as you drift off to sleep.


By following these pillars and building on them over time, you are well on your way to investing in your health long term.

Your body is the vessel that allows you to lead an optimal life, and we only have one. Therefore, it is essential to give it the exercise it needs to maintain mobility and strength, provide it with nourishing fuel for energy and vitality, and allow it sufficient rest and recovery time to perform at its best.

By making it a priority today and you will discover it is the smartest investment you can make.



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