Samantha Bradbrook Samantha Bradbrook

Feeling Fit and Healthy is Important at Any Age

As we get older, our bodies change. It doesn’t have to mean slowing down, becoming sedentary or being unwell. Regardless of age, there are key things that you can do to ensure that you stay fit and healthy at any age.

In this blog I have listed a few key areas that you can work on and improve to keep you feeling fit and healthy at any age.

Have a read and see how many of them you currently focus on?

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Samantha Bradbrook Samantha Bradbrook

Yin Yoga and Mental Health

There are lots of things in our daily life and the world around us that can impact our mental health – both in a positive way and a not so positive way. Things like work or family stress, financial stress, chronic health conditions, sudden losses or traumas, just to name a few.

Over time these things can build up and start to affect the different areas of your life, such as work, family, relationships, health and finances.

In this month’s blog I want to talk about how yoga, specifically yin yoga can help you look after your mental health.

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Samantha Bradbrook Samantha Bradbrook

What is a Sound Bath, and Why Would You Want to Take One?

Sound has traditionally been used for centuries as a healing tool. Many cultures have been using sound healing for thousands of years. Aboriginal tribes and Tibetan Monks often have their own sacred instruments. Including didgeridoos, drums, singing bowls played at ceremonies for different occasions.

n today’s blog, I look at some of the benefits of modern day Sound Baths.

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Samantha Bradbrook Samantha Bradbrook

Slow and Steady wins the Race - Why Consistency Matters

‘Slow and steady wins the race’ means that slow, productive progress leads to success.

In this blog, I’ll discuss some current trends in the health and wellness industry. As well as their impact on consistency. Why slow and steady wins the race and why consistency matters.

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