I help create more ease and flow into your life

Most of us are so busy these days that when it comes to taking care of ourselves or making the time to re-balance, the last thing we need is a long to-do list of how to create more ease and flow in our lives. I offer tips and tools that have helped me find balance and ease in my life in the hope they will do the same for you.

Yin Yoga ∙ Hatha Yoga ∙ Restorative Yoga ∙ Pilates ∙

Yin Yoga ∙ Hatha Yoga ∙ Restorative Yoga ∙ Pilates ∙

Hi, I’m Sam,

I am a qualified Yoga teacher, Pilates instructor and Nutritionist. I have a background in hospitality (chef) and a love of keeping life as simple and easy as possible. 

I also like to support people in feeling good about themselves, especially when they take on something new or start making changes to their eating and/or exercise habits.

I like to keep my Yoga & Pilates classes informal, enjoyable and inclusive, providing the space for people to progress and grow at their own pace.


As someone who has spent plenty of time feeling out of balance and stressed, I have learnt a number of reliable tools and techniques for bringing myself back to a place of feeling calmer and more balanced and I would love to share some of these methods to help other people do the same.

Yin Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Restorative Yoga

small groups, workplace wellness sessions, wellness retreats

Mat Pilates

small groups, workplace wellness sessions, wellness retreats

Meal Plans

for Individuals  looking to “rebalance” their eating habits

Please Note:

Due to health concerns, I am currently not offering regular weekly classes.

However, I am still available for workplace wellness sessions and individual small group sessions by special appointment.

Please contact me via email for more information.
